Submitted by RobertManley on Tue, 10/20/2009 - 14:06.
A homes exterior is exposed to all the elements of nature, such as rain (water management is key), wind, sun and ice. The function of the homes exterior siding is to keep the elements out, this includes critters and bugs. The weather varies according to where you live and so will the type of typical wear and tear on the exterior. Common problems with wood siding:
Rot behind window flower boxes
Nail pop and the splitting of the wood
Trees and shrubs to close to siding or vines
Deteriorated peeling paint or lack of staining
Imitation Wood Siding
The typical concerns with this product is the tendency for swelling and delamination. Currently there is litigation in progress for several of these products. Perform routine home inspections of the exterior periodically to ensure no further home damage For Information contact us @ 208-880-7816 or visit our website