Radon is a radioactive gas which is present in approximately 1/3
of Idaho Ada and Canyon County homes according to the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare. Because Radon is a gas, it is able to move through spaces in the soil or fill material around a home's foundation. Idaho homes can tend to operate under a negative pressure - this is especially true in the winter during the heating season. This negative pressure acts as a vacuum (suction) that pulls soil gases, including radon, into the lower level of the structure. Some causes of home vacuum are:
Heated air rising inside the home (stack effect).
Wind blowing past a home (downwind draft effect).
Air used by fireplaces, wood stoves, and furnaces (vacuum effect).
Air vented to the outside by clothes dryers and exhaust fans in bathrooms, kitchens, or attics (vacuum effect).
Due to the vacuum created by the negative pressures, the diagram to the left shows how Radon enters the home. The most common area is the crawlspace or basement of the home through cracks and gaps in the floor or walls. A Radon test performed by a NEHA CERTIFIED Inspector uses an EPA approved method for measuring these gases in the lowest level of the home, typically where the highest concentration of gas would exist.
What happens after radon gets into the home?
Once radon enters a home it moves freely throughout the indoor air and people can breath it into their lungs where it can cause cell damage that may lead to lung cancer. Understanding how it distributes through the home environment can help explain why timing and location are important factors to consider when conducting a radon test.
The level of radon is often highest in the lower part of the building. Radon moves through a house by diffusion and natural air movements and it can be distributed by mechanical equipment such as a forced-air ventilation system. As radon moves away from the home's foundation or other entry points, it mixes (and is diluted) into a greater volume of air. In addition, more dilution often occurs in the upper levels of the home because there is more fresh air ventilation there.
Greater dilution and less house vacuum may also occur when the house is more open to the outdoors during the non-heating season. This generally results in lower indoor radon levels in the summer compared to the winter.
How can I find out if my home has a radon problem?
A radon test is the only way to find out how much radon is in your home. Performing a radon test on your own is easy, inexpensive, and can be done privately. Every home is unique due to its local soil, construction details, maintenance and degree of depressurization. Therefore, test results from nearby homes cannot be relied upon to predict the radon level in another home. Likewise, previous test results may not reflect the current and future radon levels for a home that has been remodeled, weatherized or had changes so its heating air conditioning or other ventilation systems such as exhaust fans.
The Idaho Department of Health shows the charts and graphs of the percent of area where tests exceeded "safe" levels. It is recommended for homeowners to test their homes for radon. The results of a properly performed radon test will help homeowners determine for themselves if they need to take further action to protect their family from the health risks of radon in the home.
Contact the Idaho Department of Health for more information on where to obtain radon tests that meet NEHA standards.
How can I protect my family from radon?
A number of steps can be taken to lower the amount of radon in a home. A quality radon reduction (mitigation) system is often able to reduce the annual average radon level to below 2 picoCuries per liter. Experienced radon mitigation professionals can install appropriate control systems. Contact the Idaho Department of Health for information regarding radon mitigation.